Morath Orchard began as a small family farm in 1981. Through the years we have expanded from the small peach orchard to include a greater variety and quantity of fruits and vegetables. We are excited to feature our favorite recipes along with news and updates from the farm.
CSA Program
We started our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program seven years ago with 13 members. In 2017 we delivered 80 boxes weekly and are excited to add more members this year.
Farm to Table Dinners
Farm to Table Dinners at the Morath Orchard started in 2014. The dinners are put on by daughters of Jimmy and Becky Morath. Our goal for the evening is to share our passion for fresh food, fellowship, and the beauty of wide open spaces with you.
Farm Tours
Morath Orchard seeks to inspire people of all ages to understand the environmental, social, and economic relationship between food production and consumption.
We offer learning opportunities through tours and activities, where visitors explore our greenhouses, vegetable fields and herb garden.
Established in 1981, Morath Orchard is a family farm operated by Jimmy, Becky, and their son, Will located in Charlie, Texas. Through the years we have expanded from the small peach orchard to include a greater variety and quantity of fruits and vegetables.